Types Of Image Files When To Use JPEG, GIF or PNG?

The wrong choice of image file types “PNG, JPEG or GIF” is usually the main reason that many blogs and / or web pages take too long to load (damaging the user experience and increasing the bounce rate).

Photographs are one of the most attractive content on the Internet. But at the same time, for those of us not directly related to graphic design, it can be more difficult to know exactly what type of PNG, JPEG or GIF image file we should handle in each case or situation.

Because if we use the wrong format, perhaps we could end up damaging the quality of that photograph (losing much of its attractiveness). Furthermore, poor choice of those types of image files also often makes these contents heavier.

The subject is not too controversial when we talk about a photo stored in the memory of our computer (where it is easier to keep it as it is and only update the storage space if necessary), but when you deal with images online, there are many more factors and complications that come into play.

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Image Files: Quality and loading times of your website!

Large files not only take up a lot of space on our hosting, but also consume more bandwidth … thereby increasing the loading times of our blog or website .

And if the images are one of our most important contents, as it usually is in almost all cases, our website will not load fast enough so that our visitors ( potential customer ) feel comfortable in it.

What are the types of image files ( PNG – JPEG – GIF) that I have to use ?

It is very likely that on your blog or website you have some photos with a lot of attractive details, a logo with clean and sharp lines, a photograph with a transparent background or even a moving image.

So would you know what types of image files are right to keep those features intact?

The reality is that you cannot always compress or reduce the size of all image files (PNG – JPEG – GIF), sometimes you have to worry more about not losing the quality of those visual contents and not ending up turning them into blurred photos or pixelated.

This is a question that I usually have at times, especially when I want to use many images in a post style guide or step-by-step tutorial.