What Is Keyword Research, What Is It For And How To Do It Step By Step?

Have you heard of Keyword Research but still don’t know what exactly it is? This type of analysis is one of the fundamental pillars of any online project if you want to get organic traffic , it does not matter if it is a Blog, a corporate website or an eCommerce.

In any case, you will need to carry out a search for the topics and queries most wanted by your Buyer Persona , in order to generate content that is most adapted to their needs. Therefore, it is not just a “ step more ” that you can skip randomly when starting your project, but it is an indispensable job and that you can not neglect under any circumstances.

Precisely, if you are one of those who still do not know what Keyword Research is about or how to do one professionally, my goal in this post is precisely to tell you everything you need to know about this process, including the tools I use in my daily life.

What is Keyword Research?

Keyword Research is a study detailed in which different valid keywords and necessary analyzes for use in the contents that make up project specific Web as well as competitive analysis thereof and the business in question, in a matter of Online visibility.

This study mainly seeks to find the most profitable keywords for a project , as well as possible related keywords and variables, as well as long tails or any other term that may become a source of organic traffic for our website.

There are many factors related to SEO Positioning that are taken into account when conducting a study of these characteristics, among them, some of the most important are the number of monthly searches they have, the level of competition and how accurate or specific are.

When Should I Do A Keyword Research?

You already know what a Keyword Research is, but when exactly should this study be done? The answer is simple: a preliminary one must be carried out at the beginning of the project, to detect large areas and topics that could be interesting to address in the content we generate.

Also, whenever you want to write a new article or create a services page or Landing Page for your project.

And yes, for your content to be successful in attracting more traffic, it is important to use the correct keywords, and these will only be achieved if you do a keyword study.

What Is The Use Of Doing A Keyword Research?

It is not just a study to try to find profitable keywords .

In addition to this, there are also other aspects to consider when measuring the usefulness of this research, and that is that it can be used to find a market niche with low competition, but with great benefits when starting a new project that does not yet have a defined theme. .

On the other hand, analysis helps you plan content efficiently and make the creative process easier . And it is that, by having a list of terms that are related to each other or that have a central axis, it is easier to write a content.

Similarly, it offers multiple advantages when writing new articles , especially if you are not very clear about what you want to write.

How To Do a Keyword Research?

Finding the right keywords for each project is the basis of any SEO strategy . Since, if we are not very clear about why we want to position ourselves , it will be very difficult to attract the right target audience for our website.

Therefore, before starting our Keyword Research, there are some factors related to the different search intentions that users have and to the structure of these terms, which we should know better.

Types Of Search Intentions And Their Characteristics Of The Keywords

First we must recognize the main types, related to the intention, of searches carried out by users.


  • Navigational or Brand: are those searches that aim to find the website of a business, company or brand.
  • Transactional: these intentions are more oriented to the purchase, reservation or contracting of a service. With that in mind, they are the most widely used in categories and product sheets.
  • Informative: here, the user wants to find more information on a specific topic. This means that, in general, he is not very willing to take a purchase or reserve action yet.
  • Commercial research : this is an intention that can be solved both by informative content and by a more commercial one, since the user searches for information that helps them finish making their purchase decision.
  • Premises: this is not a new type, but it makes any of the 4 previous cases limited to the user’s search intention according to their Geolocation.


Secondly, and related to the length or quantity of terms used, let’s see the characteristics regarding the accuracy of these searches:

  • Short Tail: These are very generic keywords that consist of 1 or 2 terms at most. In general, they are used in clusters, categories or in very generic informative pages. In addition, having a higher search volume, they are also often much more difficult to position.
  • Mid Tail: its length can be 2 or 3 terms per key phrase. Although they also tend to have many searches, the difficulty in positioning them is usually a little less than the previous ones. The user who searches for them will be more segmented, since they have a little clearer what they want to find.
  • Long Tail: are key phrases of more than 4 words and that represent a very specific or specific search. They have less search volume than the previous two cases, but the user who uses them knows exactly what they want. They are ideal for product pages or blog tutorials.

Best Tools To Do a Keyword Research

It is not only important to do a complete investigation of this type, but it must be done in a professional manner. This, as I reminded you earlier, may be what makes the difference between the success and failure of your strategy.

This is precisely why it is important to have the right tools . Next, I show you three of the tools that I use, both to position the contents of my blog, and those of my clients:

1. SEMrush

SEMrush is a set of fundamental tools when creating Digital Marketing and SEO strategies. This “all-in-one suite” has a wide variety of functionalities that will help you optimize all your content to the maximum.

Among these functions, Keyword Research stands out by far, since it has not only one, but multiple sections that allow you to do an in-depth investigation of keywords , even giving you the possibility of contrasting the results with your direct competition, thus How to give you tips when creating content to overcome those competitors.

As you can see by reading my SEMrush Guide , it offers metrics ranging from the number of searches per month to the level of competition.

2. Ahrefs

Another quite powerful tool that allows you to do a good Keyword Research is Ahrefs , although ideally you have heard it for being one of the best tools to analyze, discover and track backlinks (which it is also).

In the “Keyword Explorer” area , it allows you to contrast with the competition and also carry out specific studies , it also offers you various options to obtain as many informational variants as possible, from its “Questions” section.

The only minimal inconvenience of Ahrefs, is perhaps that the website is not completely in Spanish, although it is not a big problem either, since it has a simple interface to use with which you will become familiar in a very short time.

3. DinoRANK

DinoRANK is another “all in one” SEO suite that offers you multiple functionalities to improve, above all, your On-Page SEO . This tool completely in Spanish, stands out for having a much more accessible cost than the average , so for those with a low budget, it comes out great.

If you are a beginner, I definitely recommend this tool, then you can move to another one like SEMrush or Ahrefs, although you should not stop using DinoRANK, since each of these tools have their strengths and weaknesses, as well as their own algorithms, with which you can complement them.

Advantages Of Doing A Keyword Research Before Generating Content

And since I mention it, let’s see what are the main benefits of doing it, which are not few, especially if you want to have an Online project capable of generating organic visibility according to your medium / long-term objectives:

1. Find New Profitable Themes

One of the main advantages of doing Keyword Research when writing new content is that it helps you find new sub-themes or even expand the ones you already have in mind .

And this is not the best, since, thanks to the characteristics of this study, which of them can help you get traffic more easily.

Consequently, you can avoid entering niches with a lot of competition.

Similarly, you can find keywords related to your main keyword , in addition to several longtail words that help you get much more traffic, remember that much of the traffic that comes from content comes from very specific keywords, called longtails.

2. It Helps You Plan a Successful Strategy

Although there are multiple factors that influence the success of a Content Marketing strategy , the fundamental pillar will always remain, in addition to the content itself, the user (the true king and epicenter of the strategy), as I usually remember in my talks and conferences.

What I want to get to is that, if your content does not have a real interest or add value to the user to whom you direct it, your strategy or Digital Marketing Plan will not have the desired effect, or it will not have an appropriate ROI , not to mention that it does not It will help you achieve your goals, as I have already mentioned above.

And, thanks to this research, it is possible to focus on creating content that has a ” market ” in which to participate. In this way we avoid creating content that people are not looking for.

In general, the best way to know how big the market is for a subject is to know the number of monthly searches that your keywords have .

At this point we must make a clarification, and it is that, although a keyword can have hundreds of thousands of searches per month, it is not good to be guided only by it, it is also important to consider the level of competition.In general, these types of words tend to have a very high established competence, so, depending on the case, we should seek a balance between both factors.

3. Find Little Exploited Markets

Do you remember the longtails I mentioned a little bit above? As it turns out, in the vast majority of cases, these long-tail keywords are those that, on many occasions, have less competition .

What does this mean? That you have at your disposal a little exploited market that you can take advantage of.

Although they do not usually have many searches per month, the competition can be truly minuscule, which opens the way to a market with many opportunities , mixing even in the same post several of these longtails, even more so if you know how to take advantage of the few searches they have.

An example would be that, having your own eCommerce, you use long-tail transactional intentions, something like: ” Buy red sneakers for men “ .

As you will see, it is a keyword of a considerable length, which probably does not have many searches, but those that it does have, go to a single search intention: to buy red sneakers through the Internet , which added to the little competition , increases not only your chances of getting traffic, but also of achieving conversions, which is what ultimately matters.

Now, is it possible to find niches with low competition?

Yes, there are many opportunities out there, and you would be surprised by the number of terms that have very low competition and that are in themselves a great business opportunity. It is just a matter of doing a thorough Keyword Research and finding these niches.

Who knows, you might get yourself one with low competition and hundreds of thousands of searches per month.

4. Boost Your Local Business

Do you have a physical business in your city and are you planning to take it to the Internet too? Well congratulations, you are on the right track, it is time to boost your business and get more customers, and one of the best ways is with the help of precisely this Keyword Research that I am planning to do today.

And is that keyword research allows you to find business opportunities in specific sites or places .

Do you have a shoe store in Spain? Well, to look for keywords around that area, … what do you find in Barcelona? Well, let’s specify even more and look for keywords for your shoe store in Barcelona.

Specifying more and more not only gets you less competitive terms, but also allows you to optimize your work for a particular location, helping you to boost your business and get more clients for your local business .

5. It Allows You To Know A Little More About How Your Target Audience Thinks When Searching

Many times we have the idea that people often “ search one way ” because we do it that way, and therefore we usually choose keywords that really do not help you at all.

It is not wrong to try to find terms on your own that you think people may be searching for, in a way this is necessary to carry out a search for keywords, since at some point you must start. However, you should not assume that this keyword is ideal.

Keyword Research is an excellent way to confirm that the keywords you have chosen are the ones you are looking for , even if it is a specific topic. And to this we must add that it is not only necessary to check it globally, but also locally. And it is necessary to take into account that, depending on the place, people can search in one way or another.

A clear example of the above would be between Spain and Latin America, which despite sharing the same language, there are great differences in the way we use the words and even in the vocabulary itself .

Even if we go to the different countries of Latin America, these have varied vocabularies such as the famous case of Avocado or Avocado.

Knowing how your target audience searches or what words they use is essential for a correct content strategy, and Keyword Research is the perfect method to achieve it.


Keyword Research is a fundamental step to know what needs, concerns and doubts your target audience has around the topics of interest in your professional sector.

Therefore, it will serve as a “springboard” to scale your Online Business, providing it with a better SEO positioning and, therefore, greater organic visibility in search engines for those terms closely related to your professional performance.

Source: josefacchin.com