You really wanted to write this article and talk about the new digital marketing trends that this new year 2022 brings us, so you can include some of them in your plans this year.
Knowing the latest trends in digital marketing can help us to use actions or strategies applied to our business that help us obtain greater visibility on the Internet and capture more leads, customers, and sales.
What Are The New Trends in Digital Marketing?
I have decided to segment these 15 new trends into 3 categories; SEO, Social Media and Blogging, in this way you will find the trends you are looking for simply and without having to read the entire article.
5 SEO trends in 2020
High Visibility Snippets
Something that you have to make the most of in 2017 in the search results are the Rich Snippets, since in this type of searches when it matches your important term the search engine is giving it a great prominence and visibility as you can see in the previous image, even without your search result being the Top1 since in this case, it occupies the Top 3 and yet the search engine shows it above the Top 1 with incredible visibility.
And notice how this result Google gives you the possibility to comment and value this result.
The example I have given you is a guide on how to get followers on Twitter, in case you want to keep an eye on it.
So this 2017 you already know, to make the most of this Rich Snippets !!! ?
Maximum Optimization For The Mobile Version of Your Website
It is no longer enough just to have a website with a responsive design and adapted to mobile devices, we have to enter fully to maximize the experience of these mobile users, who will surely continue to grow and we must be sufficiently prepared
Start by performing the Google mobile optimization test and follow all Google recommendations to fully optimize the mobile user experience.
Technical SEO
Technical SEO will continue to be one of the most important aspects to consider if we want to position a website, for this we must take into account the following recommendations;
1.- Optimize the page speed.
2.- Remove duplicate content.
3.- Create a good website architecture.
4.- Correct errors 4XX, 5XX.
5.- Analyze what pages Google has cached and how often the robot passes through your website.
6.- Review and correct errors in your .htaccess, robots.txt, and sitemap.xml.
So in 2020, more than ever, it is very important to carry out an SEO audit and eliminate all technical errors.
Optimize Content Designed to Improve User Experience
Always align your objectives to the objectives of Google and you will be right, in this case, you have to think that Google what you are looking for or intends to offer the best response to users, and logically this is your first premise, then this is leading to algorithm changes give more importance to these signals that are obtained from user visits.
What signals are the ones you should keep in mind in 2017?
1. Increase the time spent on the page.
2. Reduce rebound time.
3. Increase CTR.
For this I recommend that you follow the following recommendations:
1. Use an inverted pyramid content structure, where the most important place it at the beginning of the content.
2. Add elements that help you retain more time for users such as images, infographics, videos, etc.
3. Use a modular structure of the content.
4. Add a good call to action to increase the CTR.
5. Write the content that responds to the largest spectrum of users.
The Videos That Will Continue to Be a Trend
The videos will continue to be an SEO trend in 2020, so if you don’t have a YouTube channel yet, I think you should create it today and start with a strategy where you can integrate useful videos to add to your blog articles.
Visit a good one; Popupsmart’s Youtube Channel
Recommendations when creating a video:
- If you add a video, try to make it short so that does not bore the visitor.
- Depending on the video tutorial, it will have more or less duration, but you can start using 5-minute videos.
- It optimizes the title, text, and tags of the video well, and above all it writes an extensive and well-optimized description at the level of on-page SEO, remember that the video can occupy another position and give you more visibility in the Google search engine.
- What matters most is the value and practicality of the video, and remember that promotional or corporate videos will not help you to retain users.
5 Social Media Trends in 2020
Video Streaming: Facebook, Periscope & Instagram
I have to say that I am also delighted to use this digital marketing trend in 2017, I started last year, I think I remember with my friends Luis Villanueva and Víctor Martín, that we did a Periscope after finishing a digital marketing congress, and we were approximately an hour talking about current issues of SEO, Social Networks and other topics.
Now in practically all the events that I go I transmit a piece of a conference of a speaker that I like, this I did in the SEO congress for SEOs of my friend Javier Gosende, and had more than 1,000 visits in less than an hour, it is impressive the truth the results you can get in a small time interval.
Social Commerce
A few years ago we would have found it a lie that it could be sold directly on social networks, but more and more social giants are driving their platforms so that they can easily buy and do business from them, which makes more and more companies take advantage of another form this channel.
Millennials spend 93% of their time on social networks according to this study, which makes it logical to think that many of today’s and tomorrow’s sales will go through social networks.
Even Twitter has put the buy button!
However, I have always been an advocate that the end of social networks must be another, it must be an instrument that attracts and builds a community of people.
An Instrument to Get a Job
Today’s social networks are a fantastic channel with which we can get to know and work on our personal brand and create relationships with other professionals and companies, which could help us get a job or improve the employment we currently have, and this is because Companies are very interested in the influencers that move a lot of followers.
If a few years ago we told our father that we spend several hours a day on social networks in order to get a job, I am convinced that he would have scolded us and said something like “stop playing and talking with friends , and go out to look for work in the street ”.
I recommend you read this great guide on how to get a job using LinkedIn.
Increase Social Media Advertising
Facebook changed its organic algorithm so that the pages of companies or professionals had virtually no reach, and thereby encourage them to have to carry out ad campaigns to obtain acceptable results.
Don’t you think that they are already doing this or will other social networks do it in 2020?
The strategy has gone well for Facebook because all or practically all of us are Facebook dependents and “go through the box” to have some reach, but other social networks may not have the same fate.
At least I plan to resist paying to place ads on other social channels.
Social Communication Through DM
Ask yourself this, how many hours do you spend a day talking with another person through social media messages? Surely many, and that is that with Whatsapp, social networks have become one of the favorite instruments in personal communication, although I have to say that I am a bit outdated and I prefer I can always talk and have the warmth of voice of the person.
It is clear that this may be a bit outdated, but it is unquestionable how we have changed certain communication habits, both personally and professionally.
5 Blogging Trends in 2020
Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)
It seems that AMP has come to stay and aims to revolutionize and accelerate the mobile speed of our websites.
The only thing is that it is not very easy to give the change to AMP and we could have some incompatibilities with some plugins or elements of our website.
Have you thought about switching to AMP open-source technology?
The Mobile Version Indexed First
Two months ago, Google announced the official launch of its new indexing and classification system.
It will give priority to mobile indexing and use the desktop version of the site to evaluate the content and its relevance to the user, so this is to take it into account.
Voice Search
Last year a Google CEO announced that 20% of mobile searches were done by voice, this makes users perform longer and more natural searches than if they were writing it, and therefore revolutionizes the world of blogging and SEO
These searches by voice could be duplicated in a short time, so it is more than advisable to use a natural language when writing our content, abandoning that unnatural and repeated way, with the aim of positioning for a certain keyword, which Today we see that it works less and less.
Increase Subscriber List
In all likelihood, it is one of the trends in blogging that has been repeated in recent years, but that will continue to be one of the keys and most important aspects for all professionals and companies that decide to bet heavily on the creation of a blog.
My blog already exceeds 50,000 subscribers and the truth is that I am very happy to have achieved this high figure.
Generate Revenue With a Blog
More and more bloggers are looking for the path of monetization with their blogs, and it is not a simple task, I will not deceive you, but it is totally possible and attainable.
I did not create my blog with the goal of becoming my main source of income, it was something I discovered as I progressed in the world of blogging.
I remember a phrase that Franck Scipion told me the summer happened and I quote literally: “Miguel when you are going to launch to sell with your Blog”, and I have to say that it was like a push or what weeks later would be my first initiative to generate income (course + mentoring how to reach the goals with a blog). Many thanks to Franck for giving me that vote of confidence and for helping me think and believe that I could get it, and to be able to live on what I am passionate about, in short, to be able to turn my passion into a profession.
I hope that this list of digital marketing trends will be of great help to gain visibility in 2017, and especially to achieve the objectives that you have set for this year.
The mobile advance is unstoppable as well as the increase in voice searches from mobile devices, so now more than ever our website has to be very optimized for mobile devices since it is not enough just that we have a mobile version of our website
Take advantage of video streaming to publicize your brand or business, since they currently have a great reach and very good acceptance by users.
Would you add any digital marketing trends to the list?
What is the most important marketing trend for 2020 for you?
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