What Is Pinterest, What Is It For And How Does It Work

It is possible that, unless you have an eCommerce or electronic business, you still do not know what Pinterest is exactly, despite the fact that you have probably heard of this platform on occasion.

Therefore, if in addition to knowing what it is, you want to know how it works, today I will explain it step by step, so that you understand that perhaps this may be the missing piece of your brand’s social media plan .

And, despite being a social network with more than 320 million registered users worldwide, it is possible that you do not yet have an account or know all its advantages. Precisely for this reason, I would like to start this guide by revealing its definition, which will make you understand the special attraction it has:

What is Pinterest?

Pinterest is one of the largest visual social networks, in which it is possible to share images, videos, infographics and all kinds of content that are predominantly visual. In addition, most users who have an online project or are thinking of creating it use it as an “idea drawer”.

Its format allows you to organize, archive and share your “pins” (publications) by subject, interest or hobby, among other options.

For all this, it is not a social network to use. So, if we consider that most of its users use it as “a digital box of ideas” , we could also say that it is the largest “Social Portfolio” that a professional can find on the Internet.

Its unique style has been very popular since its inception, hence its great success (especially in English-speaking countries), as it is one of the platforms with the highest growth rate in recent years.

It is likely that, although you did not know what Pinterest is before, when you heard its name, you have ever wondered why that name.

Well it is called this way, because its creators have digitized the typical wall cork where you can hang photos with a PIN . Hence its main feature: share multimedia content, but not only in the style of Instagram . In other words, its name is composed, etymologically, by “Pin” (pushpin) and ” Interest” (interesting) .

How Was Pinterest Born? Brief History Of This Social Platform

Once you know what Pinterest is exactly, I am sure you are curious to know how this social network was born and originated, right?

To review its origins, we must look back to 2009, when its founders, Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra, and Evan Sharp, decided to start a new business, in which the first of them was already working in his company, «Cold Brew Labs» .

This is «Tote», a fashionable iPhone app designed for women. These, seeing that what they basically did was mark the garments they liked the most and keep them on their plank to see and buy later, they thought that what is now Pinterest could be possible.

Already in late 2009, they launched their first beta version, a private network that you could only access if you had a previous invitation from one of its founders.

They were gradually improving their creation, until in 2011 they launched it for the general public . The reception was such that in June of that same year, it already had more than 10,000 active and registered users.

What Exactly Is Pinterest For?

Taking into account everything I have told you about this platform so far, I am sure that you already intuit at least what it is for.

Certainly, it is difficult to define what it is for and how to use Pinterest within your strategy, given its multiple functionalities.

If you dig, you will surely find a great variety of additional utilities to these that I indicate below, both for private users and companies:

► Ideas Drawer For “Better Times”

As I mentioned earlier in its definition, it is a good platform to orderly archive a wish list, just like some of the most prestigious online stores do. Therefore, users interested in buying clothes, furniture or other accessories, enjoyed collecting and sharing objects of desire, to have them filed for when “better times” arrived.

►You Will Follow Styles And Interests In Common With Others

Thanks to the existence of this social network, you will not follow people or brands, but rather styles, trends, types of information and themes according to your interests and your professional sector.

To put it in some way, there are no “influencers” or “normal” users here, something that is greatly appreciated.

► You Can Communicate With Images

Pinterest is also ideal for telling stories through images, thanks to the famous infographics published by many of its users on their respective boards.

► Publish Findings And News

It is an excellent digital service to disseminate findings with which to delight yourself for hours and hours, released by other companies or brands in your sector, that could be interesting for your audience.

In addition, if you have a business with an Internet presence, you can also present your news here, which pretends to give greater online visibility.

► Sell Your eCommerce Products

The companies that have already decided to open an account on Pinterest have taken advantage of it and are already opting for the promotion and sale of products through it, thanks to the great option of being able to accompany the image of a link to your website, so that it directs traffic to the Landing Page of your interest.

► Get Traffic For Your Blog

In line with the previous utility, if you have a WordPress Blog or another digital platform, one of your main aims should be to gradually increase Web traffic to it.

A fantastic idea in this regard could be to upload your cover image or, even better, the infographic with which you accompany this content and add the URL of your article to your board .

In this way, if they liked what you provided in it, they will be attracted to know the subject in more depth, so they will inevitably have to visit your Blog.

How Does Pinterest Work And What Can I Do On This Social Network?

Once I have described what Pinterest is and what it is for, I go to the heart and essence of the matter: how it works.

If you are just starting out and have just created a Pinterest account for your business, I encourage you to do solo tests: before following anyone, do tests such as uploading pins, designing boards, following people you have as a reference in your sector, among other options.

At the beginning, it may seem complicated by its differences with other networks , but it is a very simple and intuitive platform, where you can do this series of things:

1. You Can Create A Very Visual Profile For Your Business

You can insert and create boards, grouping them by the themes you are going to share and on which you are going to hang pins. Don’t create confusion. In other words, try to see at a glance what your interests and related topics are .

Put the hook board in first position, the one that best defines you. If you are a company, it will be the one for sale or in which you offer some type of lead magnet or infoproduct.

Thus, it will be more accessible to those who visit you, who will not get lost between boards.

2. You Will Give Greater Visibility To Your Infographics

The essence of Pinterest is the infographics you create, which give added value to your profile and make it more or less engaging.

Okay, it is more work, but it is better to upload an infographic than an accumulation of images. You will be more successful.

3. Labels And Descriptions Are The Keys

Pinterest users do a lot of searching for content. Therefore, it is essential that you add hashtags and describe what the boards and images contain in detail.

In this way, the person will find the content more easily.

If, in addition, you add the location with the map option , you will add great value to your videos and images, which will gain attractiveness for your followers.

Keep in mind that this location gives a plus of information to what they are seeing.

4.Being Active In It Will Have Its Reward

You are in a constantly moving network, so it needs you to update your content and interact with other users, whether they are followers or not.

In this sense, my advice is to use this platform actively. Don’t just go in and see if you have a new follower, but nourish your space with content.

Remember that Pinterest is like a room whose cork boards receive many visits.

If you are a company, it is a good tool for eCommerce, since you can advertise and sell at a glance what you offer.

5. Surround Yourself With People Of Your Theme

Interests and likes are essential in this particular social network. Therefore, follow people according to them , whose theme is in line with yours.

You have to surround yourself with like-minded people and there is no better way than to become their follower. In this way, you will be able to Network and further enhance your Personal Brand .

6. Comments Increase Your Success On Pinterest

Comment on the most popular pins or the ones you like. Be brave and generous.

This fact will make the author satisfied and grateful and that many followers or fans of the subject want to inquire about the information you share.

7. Collaborate With Other Users

At this point along the way, it’s time for you to start participating on other users’ boards. There are group boards , where you can share your opinion and your infographics.

8. Distribute Your Pins Well

You need to categorize your pins with the head so that each interested person follows your boards.

9. Designed To Share With Your Community

The images in this social network have a certain format. What does this fact imply? It is designed for the user to decide to interact and share the information with other users.

In this way, this content harbors much more value and dissemination , which is why Pinterest has made a firm mark that is followed by many people.

From a certain profile, the user can “pin” images distributed by boards that he specifies.

In addition, the person can quickly follow images that interest them or themes and “pin them”. That is, share them with your contacts.

It is these characteristics that make this social network ideal for publicizing what your business or brand does, its products and services.

And in an original, attractive and visual way.

In Short, What Advantages Can Pinterest Bring To My Business?

All companies can take advantage of Pinterest, although if the products and services they offer are visual, they have part of the way.

This is the case of sectors where the visual predominates: gastronomy, fashion, decoration, beauty, etc. But, considering this premise, you may be asking yourself: what if it’s not my case?

You can always give your boards and pins that attractive and visual aspect that the tool provides, adding explanatory infographics to your most theoretical content and with a slightly more enjoyable touch.

If it is a service: why don’t you take photos that illustrate that service? Or, what prevents you from developing an infographic that describes it?

To these advantages, I add the following, so that your presence on Pinterest earns points:

1. Visibility

If you have just created an eCommerce where you sell your own products, you can create albums on your Pinterest page, where you grab the catalogs of your products explaining, if necessary, part of their operation graphically.

This will give your products extra visibility.

2. SEO

Pinterest is emerging as one of the best social networks to increase the SEO positioning of your website. If the image is well optimized and points to your page, you will gain more traffic than you imagine.

»You may also be interested in: Seo On-Page: Basic Guide To Web Positioning For Your Blog

3. Viralization

Your content will be viral per se, since it is a social network used by more than 250 million active people as of mid-2018.

In addition, it has a greater growth even than that reaped so far by Twitter, which is undoubtedly another of the most important social networks and known to the general public.

4. Target Audience

If you properly use quality free images , you will get a target audience that will help you to know the tastes of your customers.

This will undoubtedly favor you to carry out an optimal sales strategy.

Source: josefacchin.com