The electronic format is imposed by leaps and bounds on the paper book, but a very interesting aspect that is appreciated is that this commitment to the digital format has led to the emergence of downloading free books. Therefore they are a huge source of knowledge and we have it at just a click of the mouse.

In the list that I will detail below, you can download free ebooks but you can also download free ePub in addition to other books in PDF and MOBI format.

Of course, depending on what pages you visit, some will allow you to download free books without registering, but in others (the vast majority) you will need to leave your data.

Types of Ebooks

There are a variety of types of electronic books:

1. Textbook: It consists of pages of texts organized in a linear way.

2. Talking Book: Contains pages of information narrated in audio.

3. Static Image Book: Contains images.

4. Motion Picture Book: It contains animation and moving video material.

5. Multimedia Book: Combinations of text, sound, image, animation, and video.

6. Polimedia Book: It contains different means to transport your information. It can be on paper, magnetic discs, optical discs, computer networks, and others.

7. Hypermedia Book: Similar to multimedia books but they contain information that is organized in a non-linear way.

8. Smart Electronic Book: They employ artificial intelligence techniques, such as expert systems or neural networks, that allow them to learn about their users and adapt their behaviors in various ways in order to meet individual and particular needs.

9. Telemedia Book: Requires the use of telecommunications facilities to provide special features such as participation in teleconferences, sending emails, and remote access to resources such as digital libraries.

Logically there are thousands of pages where we can find electronic books in different formats, but in today’s post what I have done has been a compilation of 20 websites that I would like you to know.

Would you like to meet them?

Websites Where You Can Download Free Ebooks

1. Gutenberg

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Gutenberg is a website where you can download the infinity of academic books and great classics.

2. ePub Libre

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Without a doubt, one of the best websites to download free books is ePub Libre.

They have an extensive catalog that exceeds 34,000 books and they are adding news every week.

Within this website I would also highlight 2 things:

1. Comments of each book. You can see the opinions of other readers about the digital book.

2. Forum. Where you can share or find other interesting content related to your publications.

The only drawback is that it does not allow you to download free ePubs without registration, because you must do so through a Torrents page or use some web services that require prior registration.

3. Espa Ebook

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Espa Ebook has more than 58,900 books, so if you like to read, you are not going to get bored.

You can download epub books for free in Spanish but you can also download them in Mobi and in PDF.

The only drawback is that in order to download the books for free you have to register.

4. Many Books

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With Many Books, you can download more 33,000 free books.

The good thing about the website is we can segment and filter the electronic books very well, both by theme and by language.

5. Books Google

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We can find more than 16,000 free programming electronic books in Books Google.

You can find books filtering by the programming language or through its search engine.

6. Bookyards

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Very complete database with free e-books where you can find more than 20,000 works is Bookyards.

You have 3 book search mechanisms:

  • By categories
  • By author
  • Through the search engine

7. KnowFree

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KnowFree is a web portal of free books that was born in 2006, and is created with the motto of “Free Knowledge”.

Although there are publications of very different categories, in this portal we can find a large number of free books to download on technology, Internet, Marketing and Social Networks.

8. Book Boon

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Bookboon was created in Denmark in 2005 and has more than 1,500 works in text or ebooks, and in different languages.

For free we can download up to 1,000 books, and all this in an easy way and without registering.

9. Quedelibros

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Quedelibros is more than a website where you can download free books, Que de Libros is a community for reading lovers, as they say on their website.

Because, although its design is not very attractive, it is very easy to use through its categories, authors or the search engine itself.

10. Libro-s

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Libro-s is a website that allows you to search and find books to download for free.

It collects information from the network of the best free books to display on its own website, so all the information it shows is from third parties, that is, in each search result, it has a direct link to the website where the download is located from the book.

11. Free Book Sifter

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FreebookSifter is a free tool that makes it easy to find free ebooks. They update the database every day, and delete books that are no longer free and add new books.

12. Free-Ebooks

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Free ebooks forever!

You can download and enjoy unlimited reading, discover excellent free electronic books of fiction, romance, mystery, commerce, self-help and more. Search by category, author or title.

13. Popupsmart

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You can freely download digital marketing ebooks that are written by Popupsmart’s experts;

  • Email marketing ultimate guide,
  • Conversion rate optimization guide,
  • Digital marketing dictionary.


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Lectulandia also allows you to download free PDF and ePub books, but what I like most about this website is that in addition to having almost 30,000 books available, they also tell you:

  • The latest news.
  • The most read of the week.
  • The most read of the month.
  • The most commented.

15. Planeta Libro

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On this website, Planeta Libro, you can find more than 9,000 public domain books to read for free on your phone, tablet, ebook reader or PC.

We can do searches by themes or authors, but also the page suggests the best free e-books, as well as which are the best authors.

16. Ebook World

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Another website to download free books is Ebook World, here you will find a wide variety of electronic books in PDF, MOBI, and FB2 format.

In addition, all books have a file that summarizes what each of them is about and also allows you to search by categories or authors.

17. Amazon

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In the giant Amazon, we can also find a large number of free e-books.

18. Google Scholar

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Google Academic is a Google search engine specializing in articles in scientific journals, focused on the academic world and supported by a database freely available on the Internet that stores a wide range of scientific research papers from different disciplines and in different publication formats.

Here is a complete Google Scholar guide.

19. Scribd

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Scribd is a website that contains a wide range of books and articles that you can see on the page and sometimes download by simply uploading another file.

20. Freeditorial

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Finally, this is another page to download free PDF books that I have found.

What I like about this website is that it has a very usable search engine that allows you to filter by literary genre or by title or author.

In addition, downloads are free and do not require any registration.

Surely there will be many more websites to download free books, so if you know any of them please leave a comment on this article and help me reach the 100 best websites.

Would you add any free ebook more about Marketing or Social Media?

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